Entertaining dietetics from the point of view of a toxicologist
“We are what we eat,” as the ancientssaid. This means that our eating habits (diet) influence not only the satisfaction of hunger and food enjoyment, but overall health as well.
For instance, some people don’t even know that their attitude and behavior may vary depending on their eating plan. Thebasic nutrition of warriors and athletes was meat for a reason – pretty much to keep them fierce enough. So, what this is all about?

From the standpoint of modern science, it’squite understandable. It may sound incredible to some people, but this is a scientific fact: it turns out that we feed not only and not just ourselves, even if there is no one at the table next to us. We feed “our smaller brethren”, namely,all those microbes inhabiting our bodies.And brothers they really are, because, according to scientists,human life is impossible without those good bacteria. They participate in creation of immunity and protect us from pathogens, cancer cells, etc. In their absence, the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients would be just unfeasible. It is difficult to conceive a process in our organism that could take place without their direct or indirect participation. The number of microorganisms inhabiting us is huge: ten times more than the cells that make up our body, and their weight is 1.5-3.5 kg and more, or about 5% of human body weight (7% for a cow, 50% for a termite). Have you considered the fact that a cow, eating grass and hay, gives us animal fats (cream) and proteins (milk, meat)? And where does the termite get these animal proteins and fats from, as it eats the timbers of a country house? “Life is the mode of existence of protein bodies", as a classic authorsaid.

Grass and wood are comprised mainly of cellulose and its analogues – long chain carbohydrateswhich are not broken down by digestive enzymes produced bythemacroorganism (in this case, a cow or a termite). They are not broken down, which means they are not digested, because only short chain carbohydrates can be digested: glucose, fructose, lactose, etc. The macroorganisms simply do not have enzymes that can break down long chains carbohydrates.But, these enzymes are present, for example, inlactobacilli and bifidobacteria inhabiting the intestines. They are the ones who can convert "dead" cellulose into "live" sugars, then into fats;and plant proteins – into animal proteins. When American scientists sterilized the intestines of a termite, it soon starved to death, being in the midst of an abundance of food (in a log). In the microbiological and biochemical aspect, the human digestive system is built the same way. Vital daily norm of animal protein for a human being is 40-60 grams. Even strict vegetarians get them thanks to bacteria.
The human intestine is inhabited by about 1,000 of bacterial species. By convention, all this community is divided into three groups: the main (normal flora), accompanying,and residual ones. They vary in their usefulness. Each type of bacteria prefers certain living conditions and "diet". If the diet provided by the "host" suits them, then they "feel" good and reproduce well, and vice versa. Schematically, it looks like this: some bacteria prefer to eat complex carbohydrates (normal flora), others - simple sugars (yeast-like microorganisms, the simplest fungi, for example, the genus Candida), yet others - a protein diet, etc. Now it is clear who we feed by eating different kinds of food.

In their vital activity, every microbes secrete chemical substances in order to interact with other types of microorganisms and with their host. Each biologically active substance is targeted on specific cellular receptor. After contact with a certain receptor,biologically active substance changes the functioning of themacroorganism’s cell. The more of these substances, the more noticeable is their effect. Thus, microorganisms control our health and moods, and, in a sense, our behavior.

Let's take a schematic look at the mechanisms of microorganisms’ manipulation taking, for example,a person with sweet tooth ("... doctor, I just can't give up sweets."). By consuming sweets, people feed a certain group of their microorganismsnormally inhabiting their intestines, say, microscopic fungi called Candida. In the abundance of sugary foods, however, these fungi begin to multiply vigorously, release more of their toxins into the bloodstream, and like arrows strikevarious cells of the host’s body. Some of these toxins reach the center of the brain, causing a feeling of pleasure, and occasionally even the state of alcoholic intoxication(in fact, after taking a large amounts of sugary or starchy foods,concentration of endogenous alcohol in the blood increases). Then every time these microorganisms run out of their food, they thus dictate to the host: “Give us something sweet!” In return, the host gets pleasure, but a short-lived one.

The outcome of such a cooperation is widely known. For example, more than 50% of the US population is overweight, which is regarded a national problem. And this is not allthe consequences.Other Candida toxins affect pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which keeps the concentration of glucose in human blood at the normal level. As a result, pancreatic cells begin to produce either less insulin or its “substandard” form,in this way rising blood sugar level. That is good for Сandida, but ends up in diabetes mellitus. After excessive growth in the intestines, Сandida begin expanding their vital space and settling inother organs - for example, in genitals and oropharynx, causing Candidiasis. It has now become clear why it is not recommended to overindulgesugary foods,especially in childhood. This may lead to an insidious trap. So, what about those who "can't give up sweets"? There are possible options. In particular, one can combat dysbacteriosis. When it is eliminated, the dieting habits change andcraving for sugary food disappears.
In our Detox Center, the problem is solvedthanks toMatkevich Lavage. It allows us to effectively and quickly normalizeintestinal microbiocenosis. After 4-5 procedures, our patients note with amazement,“Doctor, I totally lost my sweet tooth!”The obesity, however, represents a trickier problem. The complex therapy includes up to 7-10 Matkevich Lavage procedures in the combination with a special diet, phytopreparations, aerobics, and massages.

​(с) V.A.Matkevich

Clinical Outcomes

Matkevich Lavage can be compared to “spring cleaning” of the body. Allthecontentsoftheintestine are washed out, the liver and pancreas are cleansed, in fact, the blood is purified. Excess bacteria, including Candida, are removedfrom the intestinal cavity. Whilethebeneficialmicrobes (normalflora) located on the intestinalwall and covered by the mucus layer insoluble in waterare not removed. Moreover, moreenablingconditions are createdfortheirhabitat and reproduction. Inthe absenceofcompetition,theybegintocontrol growthand number of “vicious” microorganisms. It is with modificationof intestinal microflora that changes in the person’s taste preferences are associated. Metabolicconversion, includinghormoneproductionand release, isaugmented.

​As a result,body weight of the obese patients begins to decrease after the second Matkevich Lavage procedure (although, initially due to the removal of excess water).“Real” weightlossisusuallynotedafter 4-5 procedures. Experiencehasproventhat 10-15% body weight reductionisnot unrealistic. Moreover, MatkevichLavagecauses positive change in eating behavior. Aftertakingthecourse,thepatientsbecamemoreselectiveand restrained in their dietary choices and strongly committed to rational attitude to nourishment. Along with physiological improvements, this enables them to stabilize the decreased bodyweight.

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