THE SKIN is the mirror of the intestinal tract
For many centuries, cosmetology and toxicology (a field of science that studies harmful effects of poisons on humans) did not overlap, even though the body is a holistic system in which all organs mutually influence each other. What actually connects skin health and toxicology?
Some of metabolic waste products are toxic. Most of those substances are formed and contained in the intestinal tract. There is a whole system in the body to neutralize them that includes the liver, lungs, bowels – and skin.

Where do toxins come from?

In the normal conditions, the processes of formation and neutralization of toxic substances are mutually balanced; therefore, the person feels healthy and looks accordingly. However, when the flow of toxic substances exceeds the capability of the body's detoxification system, the functional and structural state of cells deteriorates and health issues arise. And what about skin? It suffers as well. Such properties of the skin as turgor and elasticity deteriorate which results in flabbiness and premature formation of wrinkles. An unhealthy complexion appears. Depending on the specific toxic substances in the body, it may have a yellow, gray or earthy tone. Adding to it are dark circles around the eyes and facial swelling. Allergic and inflammatory changes develop in the skin. According to dermatologists, such deterioration of skin health is directly related to the massive "bombardment" by microbial toxins because of the overgrowth of certain strains of bacteria that live in the small intestine.

So what is to be done in this situation?
There are two approaches to the problem. The first one is purely cosmetic. For all the opportunities it has one major limitation – cosmetics affect solely exterior, but not the underlying cause. The other approach involves internal cleansing of the body.

The humans realized this a long time ago. The first attempts to cleanse the body were limited to the use of vomitives and enemas. Despite their obvious low effectiveness and even potential harm, people had to use these methods for a long time.
Scientific and technological progress brought new effective techniques of blood purification - hemodialysis, hemosorption and plasmopheresis. Implementation of these methods involves sophisticated equipment and specialized departments, which leads to high cost of treatment. Plus, there is a major drawback: as the blood is purified, new portions of toxic substances come from the intestine, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. It is quite obvious, that cleansing of the body should begin with the intestines and cover the whole digestive tract. However, despite the apparent simplicity, it is an extremely difficult task: vomitives and laxatives do not suit that purpose, while enemas and colon hydrotherapy work only for the large bowel leaving the small intestine intact.

There are methods of cleaning out the whole digestive system – Shank Prakshalana yoga practice based on the use of sodium chloride solution, and a more modern technique utilizing Fortrans. However, given that the chemical compositions of these solutions are "random" in relation to the internal environment of the intestines, during their use (in the amounts sufficient for thorough cleansing of the digestive tract), water-electrolyte imbalance of blood plasma develops.

According to the rule of concentration gradient, minerals missing in the solution are "washed out" from the blood. A decrease in blood concentrations of microelements such as potassium and calcium carry the risk of inducing life-threatening conditions. Moreover, these solutions are detrimental to beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Considering all this, the specialists of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine developed a perfect intestinal lavage solution. Its electrolyte composition and physical parameters match those of the small gut. The formulation of the saline solution includes the main macronutrients (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine), microelements and vitamins, with a total of 34 components. This ensures not only the stability of the normal composition of blood plasma during intestinal lavage, but also its correction in case of preexisting deviations. The composition does not include nitrogen. This is done intentionally, so it is "dumped" from the blood into the solution. And since nitrogen compounds – products of the decay of obsolete cells – are present in the blood plasma that washes the intestines, getting rid of excess amounts of these compounds is an effective way to detox the body.

Colon cleansing procedure

  • Cleansing the body of toxic substances of internal and external origin by washing the entire gastrointestinal tract is called intestinal lavage.
The method is technically simple and does not require special equipment. The patient drinks 150-200 ml of solution at the intervals of 5-10 minutes. After 0.5–1.5 hours, the full intestine begins to gently release its contents without any efforts, pain or discomfort. The procedure is carried out until the wash water is clean.
The bowel movement stops short after the end of solution intake. The whole process takes 2-4 hours, after that the patient can go back to regular activities. Two procedures within 2-3 days interval are sufficient for a thorough cleansing of the body. In case of any disease, the treatment should be continued until the clinical effect (improvement, recovery) is achieved – that is, a course of intestinal lavage (several procedures) will be required.

Intestinal Lavage: Mechanisms of Therapeutic Action

The outcomes of the intestinal lavage procedure are as follows: the contents of the intestines (including toxic substances of external and internal origin, allergens) are completely removed; stagnant bile is washed away; excessive colonization of the intestine by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is eliminated; the functional load on the detoxification organs (the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and immune system) decreases. Repeated procedures of intestinal lavage factor into regeneration of cells of the intestinal mucosa, which reduces its excessive permeability to bacteria and their toxins, as well as to allergens.
The versatility of the therapeutic and wellness effect of intestinal lavage is due to the fact that it ensures detoxification, correction of the internal environment of the body and the composition of its microflora, thereby eliminating functional disorders underlying various diseases.

Intestinal lavage is akin to full-scale house cleaning. All the waste is removed, and order is restored. With intestinal lavage, the other methods of treatment and health improvement such as pharmacotherapy, nutrition therapy, phytotherapy or various cosmetic procedures become much more effective.

Given the mechanisms of therapeutic action, intestinal lavage can be recommended as a part of complex therapy for various diseases.
Indications for intestinal lavage

Diseases or conditions (recommended number of procedures):
Intestinal dysbacterioisis (6)

Skin diseases:
acneiform rash (2)
acne (6)
eczema (10)
atopic dermatitis, psoriasis (20)
Allergic diseases (6)
Preparation for cosmetic procedures (2), surgeries (4)
Preventive care (2 procedures 4 times a year).

Preventive intestinal lavage care is recommended for everyone, especially to those who:
  • eat haphazardly, or consume refined or monotonous foods
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle
  • are prone to obesity
  • are susceptible to frequent colds
  • have completed a course of antibiotics
  • involved in stressful and hazardous professional activity
  • have bad habits (including nicotine addiction)

​(с) Sergey Bugakov, Doctor of the Highest Category, Chiropractor

Clinical outcomes

If your intestines are “clean,” you feel cheerfulness, lightness and inner comfort, your mood brightens, irritability, general weakness and fatigue disappear, sleep normalizes. Your skin becomes soft and supple, its color improves. Changes are especially noticeable in problematic skin patients: their rashes decrease or disappear completely.
Some female patients note the recovering of menstrual function, almost all of them have reduced symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). According to modern concepts, the intestinal tract is also a hormone-producing organ. Therefore, cleansing and restoration of its functionality is accompanied by normalization of hormonal levels. However, this is still a hypothesis that requires additional confirmation.

Many patients seek advice on some dermatological problems: acne, hypersensitivity of the skin, its flabbiness, atony, allergic manifestations, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis. At times, intestinal lavage produces almost instant visible health improvement and aesthetic effect: complexion improves, healthy blush and eye shine appear, skin turgor increases, facial oval restores. Hair and nails get better. However, the picture is different for patients with eczema, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis: the initial treatments often do not yield expected results or have a very subtle effects. Sometimes after the 5th (7th - 11th) procedure, an exacerbation is possible, which, however, resolves spontaneously, after which comes improvement and recovery.

The experience of working together with medical aesthetics clinics and beauty parlours shows that preparatory internal body cleansing increases the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures and surgeries. Due to detoxification of the body and non-specific stimulation of its reserve capabilities, a series of intestinal lavage procedures before elective surgery significantly facilitates the course of the postoperative period, stimulates healing of the surgical wound, and reduces the likelihood of complications. Preoperative preparation is particularly relevant in medical aesthetics, where the quality of the scar and skin condition are crucial.

After the first intestinal lavage procedure most patients note a marked improvement in well-being and surge of strength. On the contrary, some other patients initially report weakness and drowsiness. However, the repeated treatment usually produces marked positive result. The differences have to do with the degree of “body impurity”.
Thus, intestinal lavage is a simple, highly effective, safe and painless treatment method. It is approved and authorized for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and honored by the Moscow City Hall Award in the field of healthcare in 1994.

​(с) Viktor MATKEVICH, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Toxicologist

Source: online publication "Planet of Health", No. 39, February, 2005

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